Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Proof of concept

Here are some pictures of us trying to "prove the concept". The main idea kind of worked, but what we decided on is that there's too much space in between the pieces of our model, and also it is too curved. We need to take a more careful look at the original helix wind turbine, because it is not as twisted as ours, which could be the reason. We also found out that our turbine would work if we had a wall, but that is exactly what we are trying not to do, so we are making another "proof of concept" now, just to see if it will actually work. Another thing is, we will use completely different materials for the actual turbine, which would change the situation too.
Right now, in terms of transferring the "concept" from our model onto the turbine, we are thinking about how we want to connect the main peaces (the rotating parts, the generator, the tower, the spinning parts), and what materials we are going to use for them.

More pictures:

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